Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Away we go...

The Spirit of Adventure is out there!

Try as I may, life has gotten increasingly busy and my ritual of writing down the adventures of my little girl, Emmerson Lemon, has fallen by the wayside. Hence this blog.

As I sit here writing, I wish I had thought of starting this the day we brought her home from the Hospital so I would have a record forever captured in the digital world to look back on, but as they say, Better late than Never.

Here she is. The reason we do everything. The reason we smile, the reason we sleep poorly sometimes, the reason for true happiness in our lives. Emmerson Lemon.

She is silly, fiesty, short-tempered and amazing. She loves to sing.

Her current 3 favourites are:
1. Crinkle Crinkle litta star (Twinkle Twinkle Little Star)
2. Ipspy Bipspy Spider (Itsy Bitsy Spider)
3. Sharon Lois and Bram's Peanut Butter Song

She loves to colour and draw (thank goodness for Crayola Wonder products that only draw on special paper!), throw balls, chase her Daddy and march while we sing "the ants go marching 1 by 1, hurrah....hurrah!".

 I hope to post every day or every few days and share some of the adventures we share together - from small ones (a trip to the local playground for 100 slides in a row) to big adventures (an upcoming trip to Boston!). Enjoy.

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